
class auto_process_ngs.qc.qualimap.QualimapRnaseq(qualimap_dir)

Wrapper class for handling outputs from Qualimap ‘rnaseq’

The QualimapRnaseq object gives access to various aspects of the outputs of the Qualimap rnaseq module.

The following properties are available:

  • html_report (str): path to the HTML report

  • results_text (str): path to the results .txt file

  • input (dict): access values in the ‘Input’ section

  • reads_genomic_origin (dict): access values in the ‘Reads Genomic Origin’ section

  • raw_coverage_profile_along_genes_total (dict): access values from the ‘coverage_profile_along_genes_(total).txt’ file

property html_report

Return path to the ‘qualimapReport.html’ HTML report

property input

Provides access to values in the ‘Input’ section

Return link to the result of a specified Qualimap output

  • name (str) – name of the module (e.g. ‘Reads Genomic Origin’)

  • full_path (boolean) – optional, if True then return the full path; otherwise return just the anchor

  • relpath (str) – optional, if supplied then specifies the path that full paths will be made relative to (implies full_path is True)

property raw_coverage_profile_along_genes_total

Provides access to values in the ‘raw_data_qualimapReport/coverage_profile_along_genes_(total).txt’ file

property reads_genomic_origin

Provides access to values in the ‘Reads genomic origin’ section

property results_txt

Return path to the ‘rnaseq_qc_results.txt’ file