Troubleshooting unusual situations

There are a variety of problematic situations that might be encountered when generating Fastqs from BCL data using the make_fastqs command; some of these are outlined below along with suggestions on how to address them:

Incomplete run/missing cycles

If the sequencing run didn’t complete then later cycles in the run won’t be present, and running the make_fastqs step will fail.

To address this:

  1. Fix the sample sheet: if the run was truncated before the end of the index sequences then you will need to create a new sample sheet file with the index barcodes truncated to the appropriate length.

    This can be done using the utility; for example if there are only 8bp of a 16bp index sequence then use: --truncate-barcodes=8 \
         -o Samplesheet.8bp.csv \
  2. Determine the corrected bases mask: the bases_mask parameter in gives the default bases mask, which must be corrected to mask out the missing cycles.

    For example if the original bases mask was y101,I8,I8,y101 but the run ended after the first index, then the updated bases mask would be y101,I8,n8,n101.

  3. Generate the fastqs: run make_fastqs specifying the updated sample sheet and bases mask, e.g.: make_fastqs \
         --sample-sheet=Samplesheet.8bp.csv \

Skip demultiplexing in make_fastqs stage

The demultiplexing can be skipped in one of two ways.

To process each lane without any demultiplexing, edit the sample sheet so that there is only one “sample” defined for each lane, and remove any barcode index sequence.

For example:


Then update the bases mask so that the index sequences are either ignored or are collected as part of the reads.

For example, if the initial bases mask was y300,I8,I8,y300 then set this to y300,n8,n8,y300 to ignore them (in which case index sequences will be lost) or to e.g. y316,y300 (in which case the last 16 bases of each R1 read will be the index sequence).

Note that in either case, the index sequence will not appear in the header for each read.

Alternatively a pseudo-demultiplexing approach can be used, by specifying a single “sample” in the sample sheet but this time including an appropriate length index sequence which cannot be matched:


Using this approach should put all the reads into the “undetermined” project; however this way the index sequences should still have been captured in the read headers.

Handling inline barcodes


Currently this is only implemented for single-ended Fastqs

In this situation the barcode index sequences are part of each read (e.g. the first five bases of the first read), so bcl2fastq’s standard demultiplexing process can’t be used.

In this case the following procedure can be used:

  • Perform ``bcl`` to ``fastq`` conversion without demultiplexing: put all the reads into a single fastq file by following the approach outlined in Skip demultiplexing in make_fastqs stage to avoid assigning index sequences to each read.

  • Extract and assign inline barcodes: use the utility to extract the barcode sequences from each read from the Fastq file produced by the previous step and assign these to the read header, for example: -n 5 all_S1_R1_001.fastq.gz all_barcoded_S1_R1_001.fastq.gz
  • Split into separate Fastq files by barcode sequence: use the utility to assign reads to individual Fastqs, for example: -b ATACC -b TCTAG -b GCAGC all_barcoded_S1_R1_001.fastq.gz

Tuning or turning off adapter trimming and masking


This only applies when using bcl2fastq version 2.

By default bcl2fastq version 2 performs adapter trimming and masking on the reads in the output Fastq files, using the adapter sequences that are provided in the input sample sheet file.

The default procedure it uses is:

  • Reads that contain sequence matching the adapters are trimmed to remove the matching sequence and all subsequent bases;

  • If a trimmed read is less than 35 bases long, it is padded with N’s to make the length back up to 35 bases (this length can be modified using the --minimum-trimmed-read-length option of make_fastqs);

  • If there are fewer than 22 non-N bases in the read then the entire read is masked with N’s (this length can be modified using the --mask-short-adapter-reads option of make_fastqs).

There is no explicit switch to turn off the trimming and adapter masking, however this can effectively be done by setting the adapter sequences in the sample sheet to empty strings, for example: -o SampleSheet.csv --set-adapter='' --set-adapter2='' SampleSheet.csv

Missing Fastq files after demultiplexing by bcl2fastq

If no reads match an index sequence in the sample sheet file, bcl2fastq will not produce a Fastq for that sample, leading to a verification failure when the auto processor sees that some expected output Fastqs are missing.

To workaround this use the --create-empty-fastqs option when (re)running the make_fastqs command. This will create an empty ‘placeholder’ Fastq for each missing file, which enables verification to complete successfully.


Before using this option it is recommended to check that the missing Fastqs are not due to some other problem or error in the data or pipeline.


Be aware that the empty Fastqs may not be treated as valid input to some external downstream software packages.

10xGenomics: Fastq generation fails for single-index data in dual-index flowcell

If the 10x data is single-indexed but has been produced in a dual-index flowcell (for example, if the samples were run in a subset of lanes on a HISeq instrument alongside standard libraries in other lanes), then cellranger mkfastq will fail.

Use the --ignore-dual-index option to force cellranger to process the data in this case.