Processing Parse Evercode single cell data


Parse Biosciences provides the Evercode platform for single cell sequencing. This document outlines using the auto-process-ngs pipeline to perform Fastq generation and QC for Parse Evercode data.


No additional external software is required for the Fastq generation or QC.

Fastq generation

The parse_evercode Fastq generation protocol should be used for Parse Evercode samples when running the make_fastqs command.

Analysis project setup and QC

Once Fastqs have been successfully generated, the SC_platform and Library metadata items should be set to the appropriate values for the Parse Evercode project(s) in the control file.

The following values are valid options:

Single cell platform

Library types

Parse Evercode

scRNA-seq, TCR scRNA-seq, WT scRNA-seq, snRNA-seq

Running the setup_analysis_dirs command will automatically transfer these values into the project metadata on creation. The run_qc command will then determine the appropriate QC protocol to use based on the metadata values.