
Utility functions providing a single interface for performing various file system operations (e.g. make a directory, copy files etc) transparently on either a local or a remote system.

The following functions perform specific operations directly:

  • mkdir: create a directory

  • copy: copy a file

  • copytree: recursively copy a directory

  • set_group: set the group on a file or directory

  • set_permissions: set permissions on a file or directory

  • unzip: unpack a ZIP archive

  • rename: rename (move) a file or directory

  • listdir: list the contents of a directory

  • exists: test if a file or directory exists

  • isdir: test if a path is a directory

  • remove_file: remove (delete) a file

  • remove_dir: remove (delete) a directory

  • disk_usage: get info on disk usage for a path

These functions generate commands that can be executed e.g. via a scheduler, to perform the required operations:

  • copy_command: generate command to perform copy operation

  • copytree_command: generate command to perform recursive copy operation

  • set_group_command: generate command to perform group set operation

  • set_permissions_command: generate command to perform permissions updating operation

  • unzip_command: generate command to unpack a ZIP archive

auto_process_ngs.fileops.copy(src, dest, link=False)

Copy a file

Copies a local file to a local or remote location.

  • src (str) – local file to copy

  • dest (str) – destination (file or directory) on a local or remote system, identified by a specifier of the form ‘[[USER@]HOST:]DEST’

  • link (bool) – hard link files instead of copying (ignored for remote copies)

auto_process_ngs.fileops.copy_command(src, dest, link=False)

Generate command to copy a file

Creates a command which copies a local file to a local or remote location.

  • src (str) – local file to copy

  • dest (str) – destination (file or directory) on a local or remote system, identified by a specifier of the form ‘[[USER@]HOST:]DEST’

  • link (bool) – hard link files instead of copying (ignored for remote copies)


Command instance that can be used to

perform the copy operation.

Return type:


auto_process_ngs.fileops.copytree(src, dest)

Recursively copy a local directory tree

Recursively copies an entire local directory tree rooted at ‘src’, to a local or remote destination directory ‘dest’.

Note that if ‘dest’ already exists then ‘src’ will be copied into it as a subdirectory.

  • src (str) – local directory to copy

  • dest (str) – destination directory) on a local or remote system, identified by a specifier of the form ‘[[USER@]HOST:]DEST’

auto_process_ngs.fileops.copytree_command(src, dest)

Generate command to recursively copy a directory tree

Creates a command which recursively copies an entire local directory tree rooted at ‘src’, to a local or remote destination directory ‘dest’.

Note that if ‘dest’ already exists then ‘src’ will be copied into it as a subdirectory.

  • src (str) – local directory to copy

  • dest (str) – destination directory) on a local or remote system, identified by a specifier of the form ‘[[USER@]HOST:]DEST’


Command instance that can be used to

perform the copy operation.

Return type:



Get disk usage for a path

Wraps the psutil ‘disk_usage’ function for local paths, and runs the ‘df’ command for paths on remote systems. Raises OSError if the path doesn’t exist.


path (str) – path to directory


NamedTuple with fields ‘total’, ‘used’,

’free’ and ‘percent’.

Return type:



Test if a file or directory exists


path (str) – path to file or directory to check existence of


True if file or directory exists,

False otherwise.

Return type:



Test if a path is a directory


path (str) – path to check


True if path is a directory,

False otherwise.

Return type:



List contents of a directory (including hidden files)

auto_process_ngs.fileops.mkdir(newdir, recursive=False)

Create a directory

The new directory should be identified using a specifier of the form ‘[[USER@]HOST:]NEWDIR’.

The parent directories must already exist, unless the ‘recursive’ argument is set (in which case all missing parent directories will also be created).

  • newdir (str) – location of the new directory (can be on local or remote system)

  • recursive (bool) – if True then also create missing parent directories (default is not to create missing directories)


Remove (delete) a directory


path (str) – path to directory to delete


zero on success, non-zero on


Return type:



Remove (delete) a file


path (str) – path to file to delete


zero on success, non-zero on


Return type:


auto_process_ngs.fileops.rename(src, dst)

Rename (move) a file or directory

  • src (str) – path to file or directory to rename

  • dst (str) – path to rename ‘src’ to

auto_process_ngs.fileops.set_group(group, path)

Set the group for a file or directory

‘path’ can be a file or directory on a local or remote system; if it is a directory then it will operate recursively i.e. all subdirectories and files will also have their group changed.

‘group’ is the name of the group to change ownership to (must exist on the target system).

  • group (str) – name of the new group

  • path (str) – path to the file or directory to change the group of, identified by a specifier of the form ‘[[USER@]HOST:]PATH’

auto_process_ngs.fileops.set_group_command(group, path, verbose=False, safe=False)

Generate command to set group on file or directory

Creates a command which sets the group on a file or directory.

‘path’ can be a file or directory on a local or remote system; if it is a directory then it will operate recursively i.e. all subdirectories and files will also have their group changed.

‘group’ is the name of the group to change ownership to (must exist on the target system).

  • group (str) – name of the new group

  • path (str) – path to the file or directory to change the group of, identified by a specifier of the form ‘[[USER@]HOST:]PATH’

  • verbose (bool) – if True then output a diagnostic for every file processed (default: don’t output diagnostics)

  • safe (bool) – if True then run in ‘safe’ mode i.e. only files owned by user will be have group updated (default: try to set on all files and directories)


Command instance that can be used to

set the group.

Return type:


auto_process_ngs.fileops.set_permissions(permissions, path)

Set or update the permissions for a file or directory

‘path’ can be a file or directory on a local or remote system; if it is a directory then it will operate recursively i.e. all subdirectories and files will also have their permissions updated.

‘permissions’ must be a valid permissions string as recognised by the ‘chmod’ command.

  • group (str) – ‘chmod’ permissions string

  • path (str) – path to the file or directory to change the group of, identified by a specifier of the form ‘[[USER@]HOST:]PATH’

auto_process_ngs.fileops.set_permissions_command(permissions, path, verbose=False, safe=False)

Generate command to set group on file or directory

Creates a command which sets the group on a file or directory.

‘path’ can be a file or directory on a local or remote system; if it is a directory then it will operate recursively i.e. all subdirectories and files will also have their group changed.

‘permissions’ must be a valid permissions string as recognised by the ‘chmod’ command.

  • permissions (str) – permissions string

  • path (str) – path to the file or directory to change the group of, identified by a specifier of the form ‘[[USER@]HOST:]PATH’

  • verbose (bool) – if True then output a diagnostic for every file processed (default: don’t output diagnostics)

  • safe (bool) – if True then run in ‘safe’ mode i.e. only files owned by user will be have permissions updated (default: try to set on all files and directories)


Command instance that can be used to

set the group.

Return type:


auto_process_ngs.fileops.unzip(zip_file, dest)

Unpack ZIP archive file on local or remote system

  • zip_file (str) – ZIP archive file identified using a specifier of the form ‘[[USER@]HOST:]ZIP_FILE’

  • dest (str) – path to extract the archive contents to (on the same system as the ZIP archive)

auto_process_ngs.fileops.unzip_command(zip_file, dest)

Generate command to unpack ZIP archive file

The ZIP archive can be on a local or a remote system.

  • zip_file (str) – ZIP archive file identified using a specifier of the form ‘[[USER@]HOST:]ZIP_FILE’

  • dest (str) – path to extract the archive contents to (on the same system as the ZIP archive)


Command instance that can be used to

perform the unzip operation.

Return type:
