
Supported Python versions

The package consists predominantly of code written in Python, and the following versions are supported:

  • Python 3.6

  • Python 3.7

  • Python 3.8

Software dependencies

The following auto_process subcommands depend on additional third-party software packages which must be installed separately:

Pipeline stage

Software packages



bcl2fastq 2.17

2.17+ recommended



Alternative to bcl2fastq



10xGenomics Chromium single-cell RNA-seq data only



10xGenomics Chromium single-cell ATAC-seq data only



10xGenomics Multiome ATAC + GEX data



10xGenomics Visium spatial RNA-seq data only

run_qc (*)


run_qc (*)


run_qc (*)


Required by fastq_screen

run_qc (*)


Required for strandedness and alignment

run_qc (*)


Required for insert size metrics

run_qc (*)


Required for gene body coverage

run_qc (*)


Required for per-Fastq genomic origin of reads etc



10xGenomics Chromium single-cell RNA-seq data only



10xGenomics single-cell ATAC-seq data only



10xGenomics Multiome ATAC + GEX data

run_qc (*)


run_qc (*)


Required for protocols mapping subsequences of reads (e.g. 10x_Flex)







Required by fastq_screen

(*) indicates packages that only need to be installed if Using conda to resolve pipeline dependencies hasn’t been enabled in the configuration (or by an appropriate command line option); otherwise the programs provided by these packages must be available on the PATH when the appropriate autoprocessor commands are issued. Using environment modules can be used to help manage this. Alternatively many of these packages can be obtained from the bioconda project.


Fastq generation requires Illumina’s bcl2fastq software. The recommended version is 2.17+ (earlier versions should work but note that they cannot handle NextSeq data); if there are multiple bcl2fastq packages available on the path at run time then see required_bcl2fastq_versions for how to specify which version is used.

Reference data

The following auto_process stages require additional reference data:


Reference data required for the calculation of various QC metrics are described in the sections below, along with the configuration settings needed to make them available to the QC pipeline.


FastqScreen requires one or more conf files (each of which defines a specific “screen”) along with the underlying bowtie indexes for each organism which are included in the screens.

Indexes can be created manually, or by using the utility (see Building indexes for aligners); the conf files must be created manually (see the FastqScreen documentation); each screen can then be added to the configuration using a screen section which references the corresponding conf file, e.g.:

conf_file = /data/model_organisms.conf

The screens to use in the pipeline must be set using the fastq_screens parameter in the qc section, e.g.:

fastq_screens = model_organisms,other_organisms,rRNA


This replaces the old qc.setup script that was used to define the location of a set of standard screen conf files, used in earlier versions of the pipeline. Note that qc.setup is not longer needed (and will be ignored if present).


Strandedness determination requires STAR indexes for each organism of interest. These can be defined using appropriate settings in [organism:...] sections of the auto_process.ini file, for example:

[organism: human]
star_index = /data/genomeIndexes/hg38/STAR/

[organism: mouse]
star_index = /data/genomeIndexes/mm10/STAR/

Indexes can be created manually, or by using the utility (see Building indexes for aligners).


The [organism:...] sections supersede the old fastq_strand_indexes section of the auto_process.ini file; the older section is still recognised for now but is deprecated and likely to be dropped in future.

Insert size metrics (Picard)

Picard’s CollectInsertSizeMetrics needs a STAR index for each organism of interest (in order to generate a BAM file from the sequences). This should be specfied in the [organism:...] sections of the auto_process.ini configuration file, for example:

[organism: human]
star_index = /data/genomeIndexes/hg38/STAR/

STAR indexes can be created manually, or by using the utility (see Building indexes for aligners).

RSeQC gene body coverage

RSeQC needs both a STAR index (in order to generate a BAM file from the sequences) and gene annotation in BED format, for each organism of interest. These should be specfied in the [organism:...] sections of the auto_process.ini configuration file, for example:

[organism: human]
star_index = /data/genomeIndexes/hg38/STAR/
annotation_bed = /data/genomeIndexes/hg38/hg38.HouseKeepingGenes.bed


STAR indexes can be created manually, or by using the utility (see Building indexes for aligners). Suitable gene model files for human and mouse can be downloaded from the RSeQC webpages at

Qualimap RNA-seq metrics

Qualimap’s rnaseq command a STAR index (in order to generate a BAM file from the sequences) and gene annotation in GTF format, for each organism of interest. The pipeline uses RSeQC’s command to determine strand specificity for input to Qualimap.

All these should be specfied in the [organism:...] sections of the auto_process.ini configuration file, for example:

[organism: human]
star_index = /data/genomeIndexes/hg38/STAR/
annotation_gtf = /data/genomeIndexes/hg38/gencode.v40.annotation.gtf

STAR indexes can be created manually, or by using the utility (see Building indexes for aligners).

Single cell analyses

Single library analyses of 10xGenomics single cell data require the appropriate compatible reference datasets for cellranger[-atac|-arc] count:

  • scRNA-seq data: transcriptome reference data set

  • snRNA-seq data: “pre-mRNA” reference data set (which includes both intronic and exonic information)

  • sc/snATAC-seq: Cell Ranger ATAC compatible genome reference

  • single cell multiome GEX+ATAC data: cellranger-arc compatible reference package

These can all be defined using appropriate settings in [organism:...] sections of the auto_process.ini file, for example:

[organism: human]
cellranger_reference = /data/10x/refdata-cellranger-GRCh38-1.2.0
cellranger_premrna_reference = /data/10x/refdata-cellranger-GRCh38-1.2.0_premrna
cellranger_atac_reference = /data/10x/refdata-cellranger-atac-GRCh38-1.0.1
cellranger_arc_reference = /data/10x/refdata-cellranger-arc-GRCh38-2020-A

[organism: mouse]
cellranger_reference = /data/10x/refdata-cellranger-mm10-1.2.0
cellranger_atac_reference = /data/10x/refdata-cellranger-atac-mm10-1.0.1
cellranger_arc_reference = /data/10x/refdata-cellranger-arc-mm10-2020-A


Alternatively reference data sets can be specified at run-time for single cell and single nuclei RNA-seq using the --10x_transcriptome and --10x_premrna_reference command line options respectively with the run_qc command and the utility.

10xGenomics provide a number of reference data sets for scRNA-seq, ATAC-seq and single cell multiome data, which can be downloaded via:

There are also instructions for constructing reference data for novel organisms that are not supported by 10xGenomics.

Pre-mRNA references are currently not available, but the documentation explains how to generate a custom reference package for these data:


The [organism:...] sections supersede the old 10xgenomics... sections of the auto_process.ini file; the old sections are still recognised for now but are deprecated and likely to be dropped in future.

10x Genomics fixed RNA profiling (Flex) analyses

Analysis of 10xGenomics single cell fixed RNA profiling data (“Flex”) uses cellranger multi and requires:

  • Reference transcriptome dataset, and

  • Probe set data

These can be defined for specific organisms using the cellranger_reference and cellranger_probe_set settings in [organism:...] sections of the auto_process.ini file, for example:

[organism: human]
cellranger_reference = /data/10x/refdata-cellranger-GRCh38-1.2.0
cellranger_probe_set = /data/10x/Chromium_Mouse_Transcriptome_Probe_Set_v1.0_mm10-2020-A.csv
  • scRNA-seq data: transcriptome reference data set

Annotation data

Annotation data in BED and GTF formats can be specified for organisms of interest via the annotation_bed and annotation_gtf settings respectively in [organism:...] sections of the auto_process.ini file.

For example:

[organism: human]
annotation_bed = /data/genomeIndexes/hg38/annotation/hg38_NCBI_RefSeq_All.bed
annotation_gtf = /data/genomeIndexes/hg38/annotation/hg38_NCBI_RefSeq_All.gtf

[organism: mouse]
annotation_bed = /data/genomeIndexes/mm10/annotation/gencode.vM25.annotation.bed
annotation_gtf = /data/genomeIndexes/mm10/annotation/gencode.vM25.annotation.gtf

process_icell8 (contaminant filtering)

The contaminant filtering stage of process_icell8 needs two fastq_screen conf files to be set up, one containing bowtie indexes for “mammalian” genomes (typically human and mouse) and another containing indexes for “contaminant” genomes (yeast, E.coli, UniVec7, PhiX, mycoplasma, and adapter sequences).

These can be defined in the icell8 section of the auto_process.ini file, for example:

mammalian_conf_file = /data/icell8/mammalian_genomes.conf
contaminants_conf_file = /data/icell8/contaminant_genomes.conf

or else must be specified using the relevant command line options.

Building indexes for aligners

The utility can be used to build indexes for bowtie, bowtie2 and STAR from the appropriate data files (which must be obtained separately).

For example: to build indexes for hg38 using STAR version 2.7.7a: star -V 2.7.7a \
    -o hg38_STAR_2.7.7a_gencode40 \
    /mnt/genome_data/hg38/hg38.fa \


If Using conda to resolve pipeline dependencies isn’t enabled then the required aligner must be accessible on the PATH, and the requested aligner version will be ignored.