Running the QC standalone with

The utility allows the QC pipeline to be run on an arbitrary set of Fastqs outside of the auto_process pipeline.

The general invocation is: DIR | FASTQ [ FASTQ ... ]

If DIR is supplied then it should be a directory containing the Fastq files to run the QC on: /mnt/data/project/fastqs.trimmed/

Alternatively a list of Fastq files can be supplied directly, for example: /mnt/data/project/fastqs.trimmed/*.fastq


You can use more elaborate shell wildcard patterns to select the Fastqs to pass to the QC, for example: /mnt/data/project/fastqs.trimmed/{SC1_*,SC2_*}.trimmed.fastq

would only select Fastq files matching SC1_*.trimmed.fastq and SC2_*.trimmed.fastq.

See for more detail on using shell-style wildcards for pattern matching.

Various options are available to control the QC; the following sections outline the most useful - see the documentation in the section for the full set of options.

Specifying the QC metadata

The following options specify metadata for the QC which will determine which metrics are run:

  • --protocol: specify the QC protocol (see Generating QC reports using auto_process run_qc for a complete list, or use the --info option)

  • --organism: specify the organism(s) (e.g. human, mouse etc; use the --info option to list the organisms available in the current configuration)

  • --library-type: specify the library type (e.g. RNA-seq, ChIP-seq etc)

  • --single-cell-platform: specify the name for the single cell platform (e.g. 10xGenomics Chromium 3'v3; see Projects metadata file: for a complete list, or use the --info option)


By default attempts to locate a project metadata file associated with the input files, and will use the metadata defined there unless overridden by the options above; use the --ignore-metadata option to ignore the project metadata even if it is found.

Specifying the outputs

By default the QC reports are written to the current directory, with the QC outputs written to a qc subdirectory.

The following options can be used to override the defaults:

  • -o/--out_dir: sets the top-level directory where the QC reports and outputs are written

  • --qc_dir: sets the location where the QC outputs are written; if this is a relative path then it will be a subdirectory of the top-level output directory

  • --filename: name for the HTML report from the QC

  • --name: sets the name for the project (used in the QC report title)

Updating existing QC outputs

If the output directory for the QC already exists then by default will stop without running the pipeline; to override this behaviour and update an existing QC output directory, specify the -u or --update option.

Specifying reference data

By default the reference data used in the QC pipeline (for example the STAR index or the genome annotation) are determined from the configuration file according to the organism associated with the dataset.

If no matching reference data are found then the following options are available:

  • --star-index: sets the path to the STAR index to use

  • --gtf: sets the path to the genome annotation in GTF format

Note that these options will also override the reference data which are set in the configuration.


The --info option can be used to see what default reference data has been assigned to each configured organism name.

Running 10xGenomics single library analyses

When running the QC pipeline on 10xGenomics data using an appropriate protocol, additional options are available for controlling the single library analyses that are run using the count command of the appropriate 10xGenomics software package.

The following options can be used to override the defaults defined in the configuration:

  • --cellranger: explicitly sets the path to the cellranger (or other appropriate 10xGenomics package)

  • --cellranger-reference: sets the path to the reference dataset to use for single library analysis

For single cell RNA-seq additional options are available:

  • --10x_force_cells: explicitly specify the number of cells, overriding automatic cell detection algorithms (i.e. set the --force-cells option for Cellranger)

  • --10x_chemistry: explicitly set the assay configuration, overriding the automatic assay detection (i.e. set the --chemistry option for Cellranger)


The full outputs from the single library analyses are copied to the cellranger_count subdirectory of the top-level output directory, in addition to the metrics and HTML summary files written to the QC directory.

Running on different platforms: --local

By default the QC pipeline will run using the settings from the auto_process configuration file; however it is recommended to use the --local option if running the QC on a local workstation, or within a job submitted to a compute cluster (for example, if running inside another script).

For example: submitting a QC run as a single job on a Grid Engine compute cluster might look like:

qsub -b y -V -pe 16 ' --local /data/Fastqs'

In this mode the pipeline overrides the central configuration and attempts to adjust parameters for running the QC to suit the local setup.

It should make reasonable guesses for the number of available CPUs and memory. However the following options can be used with --local to override the guesses:

  • --maxcores: sets the maximum number of CPUs available; the QC will not exceed this number when running jobs. If this isn’t set explicitly then the pipeline will attempt to determine the number of CPUs automatically;

  • --maxmem: sets the maximum amount of memory available (in Gbs); currently this is only used if cellranger is being run. If this isn’t set explicitly then the pipeline will attempt to determine the available memory automatically.

Explicitly specifying these parameters for a QC run submitted as a single job on a Grid Engine compute cluster might look like:

qsub -b y -V -pe 16 ' --local --maxcores=16 --maxmem=64 /data/Fastqs'

Listing organisms and other information: --info

The --info option of displays various items from the current configuration, including a list of the available organisms and the indexes and other reference data assigned to each.

Other information includes the available QC protocols, single ell platforms and FastqScreen .conf files.

Once the information is displayed, will exit without performing any further action.

Per-lane QC: --split-fastqs-by-lane

The --split-fastqs-by-lane forces the pipeline to generate copies of the input Fastqs for each lane that appears in the read headers of each Fastq, and then run the QC on those per-lane Fastqs (rather the originals, which are not changed).

This results in per-lane QC metrics, which can be useful for diagnostic purposes when handling Fastqs which have been merged across multiple lanes (for example, to determine whether contanimation is confined to a single lane).