
auto_process_ngs.commands.setup_analysis_dirs_cmd.setup_analysis_dirs(ap, name=None, unaligned_dir=None, project_metadata_file=None, ignore_missing_metadata=False, short_fastq_names=False, link_to_fastqs=False, projects=None, undetermined_project=None)

Construct and populate project analysis directories

  • unaligned_dir (str) – optional, name of ‘unaligned’ subdirectory (defaults to value stored in parameters)

  • name (str) – (optional) identifier to append to output project directories

  • project_metadata_file (str) – optional, name of the ‘’ metadata file to take project information from

  • ignore_missing_metadata (bool) – if True then make project directories for all projects even if metadata hasn’t been set (default is to stop if metadata isn’t set)

  • short_fastq_names (bool) – if True then use ‘short’ Fastq names (default is to use full Fastq names as output from bcl2fastq)

  • link_to_fastqs (bool) – if True then make symbolic links to the Fastq files in the source ‘unaligned’ subdir (default is to make hard links)

  • projects (list) – optional, subset of projects to create analysis dirs for (default is to attempt to create directories for all projects in the metadata file).

  • undetermined_project (str) –

    optional, specify name for

    project directory to create with ‘undetermined’ Fastqs

    (defaults to ‘undetermined’)