Managing and sharing data

These additional tasks are not really part of the automated processing, but the utilities for performing them are currently part of the same package so they are outlined here.

There are no specific utilities for exporting Fastqs to a Galaxy data library, but suggestions on how to do this can be found in the section Exporting Fastqs to a data library in a local Galaxy instance. managing and copy Fastq files

The utility can be used to explore and copy data from an analysis directory to another location on a per-project basis.

For example, to get a list of projects within a run: ANALYSIS_DIR


If a project contains multiple sets of FASTQs then these will be listed under the project name, with the default “primary” project marked with an asterisk.

To see a list of the FASTQ files associated with a particular project: ANALYSIS_DIR PROJECTNAME

To copy the FASTQs to a local or remote directory, use the copy command: ANALYSIS_DIR PROJECTNAME copy /path/to/local/dir ANALYSIS_DIR PROJECTNAME copy

This will also generate an MD5 checksum file for the transferred files; to generate the MD5 sums on their own, use the md5 command: ANALYSIS_DIR PROJECTNAME md5

Finally to make a zip file containing the Fastqs, use the zip command: ANALYSIS_DIR PROJECTNAME zip


The zip option works best if the Fastqs are relatively small.

Working with multiple Fastq sets

If a project has more than one Fastq set associated with it then by default the operations described above will use the “primary” set (typically, the set of Fastq files in the fastqs subdirectory of the project).

To operate on an alternative set, use the --fastq_dir option to switch e.g.: ANALYSIS_DIR PROJECTNAME --fastq_dir=ALT_FASTQS_DIR

Handling subsets of files

Use the --filter option to work with a subset of files - this allows a ‘glob’-style pattern to be specified so that only files with matching names will be included.

For example to only copy R1 files: ANALYSIS_DIR PROJECTNAME copy /path/to/local/dir --filter *_R1_* copying data for transfer to end users


The utility can be used to copy data from analysis projects to different destinations, typically to transfer copies of data to end users.

A destination is defined as a local or remote directory where files will be copied, for example in its most basic mode: /mnt/data/shared PROJECT_DIR

will copy Fastq files from the project referenced by PROJECT_PATH to the local directory /mnt/data/shared.

Destinations can also be defined in the configuration file (see Data transfer destinations) and then referred to by their name when copying the Fastqs.

For example: webserver PROJECT_DIR

where webserver is a pre-defined destination.

Schemes for dymanic subdirectory specification

By default the data are copied directly to the specified directory. However it is possible to specify a scheme for dynamic subdirectory assignment, which can be useful for example if copying to a webserver.

The scheme can be specified via either the --subdir command line option or the subdir parameter in the configuration file.

The following schemes are available:

Scheme name



Locates an empty pre-existing subdirectory (aka ‘bin’) at random


Creates a new subdirectory named PLATFORM_DATESTAMP.RUN_NUMBER-PROJECT (must not already exist)

Generating a README file from a template

It is possible to generate a README for the copied data by specifying a template file via either the --readme command line option or the readme_template parameter in the configuration file.

The template should be a plain text file but it can also contain placeholders for ‘template variables’ which will be substituted with the appropriate values when the README file is generated:




Run platform (uppercase)


Run number


Run datestamp


Name of project being copied


Base URL for the webserver


Name of the subdirectory, if any


Directory data were copied to


Today’s date

Including downloader, QC reports and 10xGenomics pipeline outputs

By default only Fastqs are copied by, however it is possible to include additional files:

  • A standalone downloader script (see fetch Fastqs from a webserver in batch) (specify the --include_downloader option or set the include_downloader parameter in the configuration);

  • The zipped QC reports for the project (specify the --include_qc_report option or set the include_qc_report parameter)

  • Outputs from 10xGenomics pipelines (e.g. cellranger count) packaged into a tgz archive (specify the --include_10x_outputs option)

Hard linking Fastqs

When sharing Fastqs via a local directory which is on the same file system as the original files, it is possible to make hard links to the Fastqs rather than making copies by specifying the --link option (or setting the hard_links parameter).

Linking Fastqs is quicker than copying and saves space as hard links reference the same copy of the file’s data on the file system.

Bundling Fastqs into ZIP archives

For datasets with contain very large numbers of Fastq files it may be undesirable to share the individual Fastqs (for example when downloading from a web server, or uploading to a file transfer service such as ZendTo).

In these cases the following options can be used:

  • --zip_fastqs will bundle the Fastqs into one or more ZIP archives (instead of copying each Fastq individually)

  • If specified then the --max_zip_size option additionally sets the maximum size for each ZIP archive, resulting in multiple ZIPs if the dataset cannot be put into a single archive of this size. fetch Fastqs from a webserver in batch

Fastq files pushed to a webserver using can be retrieved in batch using the utility:

This fetches the checksum file from the URL and then uses that to get a list of Fastq files to download. Once the files are downloaded it runs the Linux md5sum program to verify the integrity of the downloads.


This utility is stand-alone so it can be sent to end users and used independently of other components of the autoprocess package. manage metadata associated with a project

The projects within a run each have a file called which is used to hold metadata about that project (for example, user, PI, organism, library type and so on).

Use the utility to check and update the metadata associated with a project, for example to update the PI: ANALYSIS_DIR PROJECT -u PI="Andrew Jones"


Project directories created using very old versions of auto_process, or predating the automated processing system, might not have metadata files. To create one use: ANALYSIS_DIR PROJECT -i

before using -u to populate the fields. auditing disk usage for multiple runs

Collections of runs that are copied to an ‘archive’ location via the archive function of will form a directory structure of the form:

  +--- 2015/
        +--- hiseq/
              +--- 150429_HISEQ_XXYYY_12345BB_analysis/
              +--- 150408_HISEQ_XXYYY_67890CC_analysis/

Within each run dir there will be one or more project directories.

The projects can be audited according to PI and disk usage using the utility, for example: ARCHIVE_DIR/2015/hiseq/

Multiple directories can be specified, e.g.: ARCHIVE_DIR/2015/hiseq/ ARCHIVE_DIR/2014/hiseq/

This will print out a summary of usage for each PI, e.g.:

Summary (PI, # of projects, total usage):
Peter Brooks        12      3.7T
Trevor Smith        8       2.3T
Donald Raymond      6       2.2T
Total usage 164     22.3T

plus a breakdown of the usage for each of the projects belonging to each PI, for example:

Breakdown by PI/project:
Peter Brooks:
    150121_HISEQ001_0123_ABCD123XX: SteveAustin     128.1G
    150306_HISEQ001_0234_ABCD123XX: MartinLouis     159.7G
    150415_HISEQ001_0345_ABCD123XX: MartinLouis     72.8G

There is also a summary of the amount of space used for storing the ‘undetermined’ read data, for each run.


The disk usage for each file is calculated by using Python’s os.lstat function to get the number of 512-byte blocks per file. The total usage is then the sum of all the files and directories.

However these values can differ from the sizes returned by the Linux du program, for various reasons including using a different block size (e.g. du uses 1024-byte blocks). So the returned values should not be treated as absolutes.

Exporting Fastqs to a data library in a local Galaxy instance

Upload of Fastq files from a run into a data library on a Galaxy instance can be performed using the nebulizer utility.


You will need access to an admin account on the target Galaxy server to create and add to the data libraries.

The create_library and create_library_folder commands can be used to make the target data library and folder, if these don’t already exist - for example:

nebulizer create_library MyGalaxy "MISEQ_190626#26" \
    --description "Data from MISEQ run 26 datestamp 190626"
nebulizer create_library_folder MyGalaxy "MISEQ_190626#26/Fastqs"

would create a data library called MISEQ_190626#26 on the MyGalaxy instance, and a new folder called Fastqs within that library.

Then the add_library_datasets command can be used to upload Fastqs to the library.

To upload files from the local system to the server:

nebulizer add_library_datasets MyGalaxy /path/to/fastqs/PB_S1_R1_001.fastq.gz ...

If the files are on the same system as the Galaxy server then the --server option can be used, for example:

nebulizer add_library_datasets mygalaxy --server Data_Library/Fastqs /path/to/fastqs/on/server/PB_S1_R1_001.fastq.gz ...

It is possible in this case to get Galaxy to create links to the Fastqs (rather than making copies) which can potentially save time and disk space, by including the --link option:

nebulizer add_library_datasets mygalaxy --server --link Data_Library/Fastqs /path/to/fastqs/on/server/PB_S1_R1_001.fastq


Making links only seems to work for uncompressed Fastq files.

For information on nebulizer see