Copying analysis projects using auto_process import_project

Under certain circumstances it may be necessary to import one or more analysis projects from one analysis directory into another (for example, when the raw sequencing data has been reprocessed to generate new Fastqs using different parameters).

While the required steps can be performed manually, in these cases it is recommended that the import_project command is used as this automates the process.

The basic usage is: import_project ANALYSIS_DIR PATH/TO/PROJECT_DIR

(If the ANALYSIS_DIR is ommitted then the project is imported into the current analysis directory.)

The following steps are peformed:

  • The project directory and its contents are copied to the target analysis directory;

  • The details of the imported project is added to the file;

  • The metadata of the imported project is updated to ensure that any stored paths are consistent with the new location;

  • QC reports and ZIP archives are automatically regenerated.


If a project directory already exists in the target analysis directory with the same name as the one being imported, then the import_project command will stop with a warning.

The command supports the following additional options:

  • --comment: allows comment text to be specified which will be appended to any existing comments associated with the project.