
docwriter provides a set of classes that can be used to create HTML documents programmatically.

Example usage: create a new document:

>>> d = Document("Report")
>>> d.add_css_rule("h1 { color: blue; }")
>>> d.add_css_rule("h2 { color: green; }")
>>> d.add_css_rule("h3 { color: red; }")

Add a section:

>>> s = d.add_section("Introduction")
>>> s.add("This is the introduction")

Add a subsection:

>>> subs = s.add_section("Background")
>>> subs.add("This is the background")

Generate the HTML directly:

>>> d.html()

Write the HTML document to a file:

>>> d.write("report.html")

There are also classes to create lists, tables, images, links and anchors (aka “targets”) within documents.

The full list of available classes are:

  • Document: construct HTML documents

  • Section: generic document section

  • Table: construct HTML tables

  • List: create ordered and unordered HTML lists

  • Img: embed references to images

  • Link: embed references to other documents/items

  • Target: create anchor for referencing via a link

  • Para: wrap heterogeneous items into a single block

  • WarningIcon: create an inline warning icon image

  • DocumentIcon: create an inline ‘document’ icon image

  • LinkIcon: create an inline ‘link’ icon image

class auto_process_ngs.docwriter.Document(title=None)

Utility class for constructing documents

Basic usage:

>>> d = Document("Report")
>>> d.add_css_rule("h1 { color: red; }")
>>> s = d.add_section("Introduction")
>>> s.write("report.html")

The following properties are available:

  • title: returns the title string

  • css_rules: returns the CSS rules as a list

The ‘html’ method returns the document body rendered as HTML; the ‘write’ method writes the full HTML document to file, including the document header, CSS rules etc.


title (str) – title for the document


Add a CSS rule block to the document


css_rule (str) – block of text to append to the CSS rules to write to the final document


Add Javascript code to the document


script (str) – script block to include in the final document header

add_section(title=None, section=None, name=None, css_classes=None, style=None)

Add a section to the document

If an existing section is supplied then this is appended to the document; otherwise a new section is created with the title and name supplied.

  • title (str) – title for the new section

  • section (Section) – an existing Section instance which will be appended to the document

  • name (str) – internal name for the section; if not supplied then the name will be generated automatically from the title

  • css_classes (list) – list or iterable with names of CSS classes to associate with the new section

  • style (str) – style information to put into the ‘style’ attribute of the section


the new or supplied section as


Return type:


property css_rules

Get the CSS rules as a list


Generate HTML version of the document contents

Note that this only generates the “body” HTML code; the header and footers will not be returned (so this will not be the full HTML that is written by the ‘write’ method).


HTML representation of the document


Return type:


property title

Get the document’s title


Write document contents to a file

outfile (str): path to file to write

HTML document to

class auto_process_ngs.docwriter.DocumentIcon(title=None, size=35)

Create image with an inline document icon

  • title (str) – optional, content to mark with the icon

  • size (int) – optional height/width specifier for the icon (defaults to 35)

class auto_process_ngs.docwriter.DownloadIcon(title=None, size=32)

Create image with an inline ‘download’ icon

  • title (str) – optional, content to mark with the icon

  • size (int) – optional height/width specifier for the icon (defaults to 32)

class auto_process_ngs.docwriter.Img(src, name=None, height=None, width=None, href=None, alt=None, title=None)

Utility class for embedding <img> tags

Example usage:

>>> img = Img('picture.png',width=150)
>>> img.html()
"<img src='picture.png' width='150' />"
  • src (str) – string to use as the ‘src’ attribute for the <img…/> tag

  • name (str) – string to use as the ‘id’ attribute for the <img…/> tag

  • height (int) – optional height (pixels)

  • width (int) – optional width (pixels)

  • href (str) – if specified then the <img…/> will be wrapped in <a href..>…</a> with this used as the link target

  • alt (str) – if specified then used as the ‘alternative text’ (‘alt’ attribute for <img…/> tag)

  • title (str) – if specified then assigned to the <img../> tag’s ‘title’ attribute


Generate HTML version of the image tag


HTML representation of the image.

Return type:


property name

Return the name (id) for the image

Utility class for embedding <a href=…> tags

Example usage:

>>> ahref = Link('My report','report.html')
>>> ahref.html()
"<a href='report.html'>My report</a>"

The link target can be an object:

>>> sect = Section("New section",name='new_section')
>>> ahref = Link("New Section",sect)
>>> ahref.html()
"<a href='#new_section'>New Section</a>"

The target can be seen via the ‘href’ property:

>>> ahref.href
  • text (str) – text to display for the link

  • target (Object) – target to link to; if not supplied then ‘text’ will be used as the link target

property href

Show the link target text


Generate HTML version of the link


HTML representation of the link.

Return type:


class auto_process_ngs.docwriter.LinkIcon(title=None, size=32)

Create image with an inline ‘link’ icon

  • title (str) – optional, content to mark with the icon

  • size (int) – optional height/width specifier for the icon (defaults to 32)

class auto_process_ngs.docwriter.List(name=None, ordered=False)

Utility class for creating ordered and unordered lists

Example usage:

>>> lst = List(ordered=True)
>>> lst.add_item("List item")
>>> lst.html()
"<ol><li>List item</li></ol>"

Append an item to the list

The item can consist of one or more objects (for example strings and other docwriter objects such as Lists, Links etc), which will be concatenated after rendering.


contents (sequence) – one or more objects to add to the list item


Generate HTML version of the list


HTML representation of the list.

Return type:


class auto_process_ngs.docwriter.Para(*items, **kws)

Utility to wrap heterogeneous items into a single block

The Para class provides a way to put several different items (e.g. plain text, links, images) into a single “block” (by default a ‘<p>’-delimited paragraph).

Example usage:

>>> s = Section("QC reports")
>>> s.add(Para("%s" %,
...            Link("qc_report.html")))

The Para wrapper prevents each plain text (i.e. string-like) content element being wrapped in its own <p>…</p> pair; instead only the completely assembled Para HTML is enclosed in <p>…</p>.

  • items (sequence) – optional, set of items to add to the block

  • css_classes (list) – list or iterable with names of CSS classes to associate with the section


Add (append) content to the block


items (sequence) – optional, set of items to append to the bloc


Associate CSS classes with the paragraph


classes (str) – the names of one or more CSS classes to associate with the section when it is rendered


Generate HTML version of the block


HTML representation of the block.

Return type:


class auto_process_ngs.docwriter.Section(title=None, name=None, level=2, css_classes=None, style=None)

Class representing a generic document section

A ‘section’ is a container for arbitrary content which can include text, images, links, tables, or other sections (which are considered to be subsections of the containing section).

A section typically has a title, however ‘anonymous’ (untitled) sections are also allowed.

Normally sections are created via the ‘add_section’ methods of a ‘Document’ or ‘Section’ instance, however they can also be created independently and then added (again via the ‘add_section’ method).

Content is added to the section using the ‘add’ method, which can invoked multiple times to append additional content.

When the content is rendered, each item is rendered to html via its ‘html’ method; or if the item doesn’t have a ‘html’ method then it will be rendered as a string and wrapped in ‘<p>’ tags.

Example usage:

>>> d = Document("Report")
>>> abstract = d.section("Abstract")
>>> abstract.add("This is the abstract","It's quite short")
>>> paper = d.section()
>>> methods = paper.add_subsection("Methods")
>>> methods.add("This describes the methods used")
>>> results = paper.add_subsection("Results)
>>> result.add("Some nice figures")
>>> result.add(Img("graph.png"))
  • title (str) – title text

  • name (str) – name used for the ‘id’ of the section

  • level (int) – section heading level (defaults to 2)

  • css_classes (list) – list or iterable with names of CSS classes to associate with the section

  • style (str) – style information to put into the ‘style’ attribute of the section


Add content to the section


args (object) – one or more arbitrary items of content to append to the section; items must implement either a ‘html’ or ‘__str__’ method


Associate CSS classes with the section


classes (str) – the names of one or more CSS classes to associate with the section when it is rendered

add_subsection(title=None, section=None, name=None, css_classes=None, style=None)

Add subsection within the section

If an existing section is supplied then this is appended to the content; otherwise a new Section instance is created and appended.

  • title (str) – title text

  • section (Section) – if supplied then must be a Section instance which is inserted into the current Section as-is

  • name (str) – name used for the ‘id’ of the section

  • css_classes (list) – list or iterable with names of CSS classes to associate with the new section.

  • style (str) – style information to put into the ‘style’ attribute of the section


the appended section.

Return type:


property css_classes

Return the CSS classes as a list


Generate HTML version of the section


HTML representation of the section


Return type:


property level

Return the level of the section

property name

Return the name (id) for the section

property title

Return the title for the section

class auto_process_ngs.docwriter.Table(columns, **aliases)

Utility class for constructing HTML tables

Usage examples:

  • Table with two columns with titles “Key” and “Value”, and with one row of data:

    >>> t = Table(('Key','Value'))
    >>> t.add_row(Key="Employee name",
    ...           Value="John Doe")
    >>> print(t.html())
    <tr><td>Employee name</td><td>John Doe</td></tr>
  • Table with three columns, with aliases for column names:

    >>> t = Table(('name','date','result'),
    ...           name="Experiment",
    ...           date="Date run",
    ...           result="Final result")
    >>> t.add_row(name="Test setup",
    ...           date="10/10/2017",
    ...           result="Ok")
    >>> print(t.html())
    <tr><th>Experiment</th><th>Date run</th><th>Final result</th></tr>
    <tr><td>Test setup</td><td>10/10/2017</td><td>Ok</td></tr>
  • Add a column to the previous table, and set values:

    >>> t.append_columns('verified',verified="Is verified?")
    >>> t.set_value(0,"verified","no")
    >>> print(t.html())
    <tr><th>Experiment</th><th>Date run</th><th>Final result</th><th>Is verified?</th></tr>
    <tr><td>Test setup</td><td>10/10/2017</td><td>Ok</td><td>no</td></tr>

The Table class provides the following properties:

  • nrows: number of rows in the table

It provides the following methods:

  • add_css_classes: associate CSS classes with the table

  • no_header: turn off writing table header in output HTML

  • append_columns: add additional columns to the table

  • add_row: append a row to the table

  • set_value: set the value in a table cell

  • columns (list) – list of column ids

  • aliases (mapping) – optional, mapping of column ids to aliases (i.e. actual names)

add_css_classes(*classes, **kws)

Associate CSS classes with the table

By default the supplied CSS classes associated with the whole table. If the ‘column’ keyword is supplied then the classes will be associated only with the table cells in that column.

  • classes (list) – one or more classes to associate with the table

  • column (str) – optional, if supplied then should specify a column name with which the classes will be associated


Add (append) a row to the table

Appends a new empty row to the end of the table, and returns its row index.

Optionally values can also be assigned to columns in the new row, e.g.



kws (mapping) – set of key=value assignments, defining the values to assign to columns in the new row


the row index of the appended

row (for use e.g. in ‘set_value’)

Return type:


append_columns(*columns, **aliases)

Add a new columns to the table

  • columns (list) – list of column ids

  • aliases (mapping) – optional, mapping of column ids to aliases (i.e. actual names)


Generate HTML version of the table contents


css_id (str) – optional, string to write into the CSS id attribute


HTML representation of the table.

Return type:



Don’t write the table header on output

property nrows

Return the number of rows in the table

set_value(row, key, value)

Set the value of a cell in the table

  • row (int) – index of the row to update

  • key (str) – id of the column to set the value for in this row

  • value (str) – value to assign to the table cell indicated by row/column

class auto_process_ngs.docwriter.Target(name)

Utility class for embedding <a id=… /> tags

Example usage:

>>> tgt = Target('my_target')
>>> tgt.html()
"<a id='my_target' />"

The target name/id can be retrieved using the ‘name’ property. It can also be supplied directly to a Link object:

>>> ahref = Link("My target",tgt)
>>> ahref.html()
"<a href='#my_target'>My target</a>"

name (str) – name (i.e. ‘id’) for the target


Generate HTML version of the target


HTML representation of the


Return type:


property name

Return the name (id) for the target

class auto_process_ngs.docwriter.WarningIcon(title=None, size=25)

Create image with an inline warning icon

  • title (str) – optional, content to mark with the warning

  • size (int) – optional height/width specifier for the icon (defaults to 25)


Remove or replace invalid (non-CSS) characters in a string


s (str) – string to be sanitized


version of the original string with whitespace

converted to underscores, and all other invalid characters removed.

Return type:
