Fastq generation using auto_process make_fastqs


The make_fastqs command is the backbone of the auto_process pipeline. It is run after creating the analysis directory using the setup command and performs the key step of generating Fastq files from the raw BCL data produced by the sequencer.

The general invocation of the command is: make_fastqs [--protocol=PROTOCOL] *options* [ANALYSIS_DIR]

By default make_fastqs performs the following steps:

  • Fetches the BCL data and copies it to the primary_data subdirectory of the analysis directory

  • Checks the sample sheet for errors and possible barcode collisions

  • Runs BCL to Fastq conversion (either bcl2fastq or bcl-convert, or the appropriate pipeline for for 10x Genomics single cell or spatial data e.g. cellranger) and verifies that the outputs match what was expected from the input sample sheet

  • Generates statistics for the Fastq data and produces a report on the analysing the numbers of reads assigned to each sample, lane and project (processing_qc.html)

  • Analyses the barcode index sequences to identify possible demultiplexing issues

Various options are available to skip or control each of these stages; more detail on the different usage modes can be found in the subsequent sections:

Information on the different Fastq generation protocols can be found in Fastq generation protocols, and some of the other useful options can be for the found in Commonly used options.

The outputs produced on successful completion are described below in the section Outputs; it is recommended to check the processing QC and barcode analysis reports which will highlight issues with the demultiplexing.

Once the Fastqs have been generated, the next step is to set up the project directories - see Setting up project directories.

Fastq generation protocols

The --protocol option should be set according to the type of data that are being processed:

Protocol option

Used for


Standard Illumina sequencing data (default)


miRNA-seq data


10xGenomics Chromium single cell RNA-seq, CellPlex and Flex data


10xGenomics Chromium single cell ATAC-seq data


10xGenomics Visium spatial RNA-seq data


10xGenomics Multiome single cell ATAC or GEX data only in single run


10xGenomics Multiome single cell ATAC data (run with pooled GEX and ATAC data)


10xGenomics Multiome single cell GEX data only (run with pooled GEX and ATAC data)


Parse Evercode single cell data


ICELL8 single-cell RNA-seq data


ICELL8 single-cell ATAC-seq data

Typically the standard protocol is sufficient for most types of data (RNA-seq, ATAC-seq, ChIP-seq, metagenomics etc) where the sample sheet contains Illumina index sequences.


For data where the sequences are expected to be very short (such as miRNA-seq data), the mirna protocol should be used instead - this is the same as the standard protocol but adjusts the adapter trimming and masking options as follows:

  • Sets the minimum trimmed read length to 10 bases (default is 35 bases in standard mode)

  • Turns off short read masking by setting the threshold length to zero (default is 22 in standard mode)

More details about adapter trimming and short read masking can be found in the section Configuring adapter trimming and masking.

For other types of data (typically single cell and spatial), refer to the appropriate section of the documentation for more details of which Fastq generation protocols should be used:

Commonly used options

Some of the most commonly used options are:

  • --protocol: specifies the Fastq generation protocol

  • --output-dir: specifies the directory to write the output Fastqs to (defaults to bcl2fastq)

  • --sample-sheet: specifies a non-default sample sheet file to use (defaults to custom_SampleSheet.csv; the new sample sheet file will become the default for subsequent runs)

  • --lanes: allows a subset of lanes to be processed (useful for multi-lane sequencers when samples with a mixture of processing protocols have been run). Lanes can be specified as a range (e.g. 1-4), a list (e.g. 6,8) or a combination (e.g. 1-4,6,8). See Fastq generation for runs with mixed protocols and options for more details

  • --bcl-converter: allows the Illumina Fastq generation software to be specified, see Specifying Illumina BCL conversion software for more details

  • --use-bases-mask: allows a custom bases mask string (which controls how each cycle of raw data is used) to be specified (default is to determine the bases mask automatically; set to auto to restore this behaviour)

  • --platform: if the sequencer platform cannot be identified from the instrument name it can be explicitly specified using this option (see Sequencers and platforms for how to associate sequencers and platforms in the configuration)

  • --no-barcode-analysis skips the barcode analysis for standard runs

  • --no-stats skips the generation of statistics and processing QC reporting

The full set of options can be found in the ‘make_fastqs’ section of the command reference.

Truncating R1/R2 read lengths and setting bases mask

In some cases it may be desirable to truncate the lengths of the non-index reads, most typically for the R1 and/or R2 sequences. In these cases the --r1-length and/or --r2-length options can be used to specify the maximum length for one or both of the R1 and R2 reads.

For example: make_fastqs --r1-length=28

would result in R1 sequences with a maximum length of 28bp.

Maximum read lengths can also be applied to a subset of lanes via the --lanes option, for example: make_fastqs --lanes=1-2:standard:r1_length=28


The --r1-length and --r2-length options are only applied for the standard and mirna protocols; they are ignored for other protocols.

The options operate by adjusting the bases mask used to match the required length, so if a bases mask is explicitly provided then these options will also not be applied.

Alternatively (or in scenarios where more complicated read manipulations are required), the bases mask can be explicitly specified via the --use-bases-mask option; for example:


would also truncate R1 sequences to the first 28bp.

Configuring adapter trimming and masking

By default Fastq generation includes adapter trimming and masking of short reads via bcl2fastq.

Adapter sequences used for trimming are taken from those specified in the input sample sheet, but these can be overriden by using the --adapter and --adapter-read2 options to specify different sequences.

Adapter trimming can be disabled by specifying the --no-adapter-trimming option (or by setting both adapter sequences to empty strings).

When adapter trimming is performed two additional operations are applied:

  • Minium read length is enforced for reads which are shorter than this length after trimming, by padding them with N’s up to the minimum length

  • Masking of short reads is performed for reads below a masking threshold length, by masking all bases in the read with N’s

Minimum read length defaults to 35 bases but can set explicitly by using the --minimum-trimmed-read-length option; the masking threshold defaults to 22 bases but can be set using the --mask-short-adapter-reads option. Set this to zero to turn off masking.


Setting the minimum read length to zero when using adapter trimming can result in read records with zero-length sequences, which may cause problems in downstream analyses.

Fastq generation for runs with mixed protocols and options

Multi-lane instruments such as the HiSeq platform provide the option to run mixtures of samples requiring different processing protocols in a single sequencing run, for example:

  • Samples in some lanes have different barcode index characteristics (e.g. different lengths) to those in other lanes

  • Some lanes contain standard samples whilst others contain 10xGenomics or ICELL8 single-cell samples

make_fastqs is able to process these in a single run provided that:

  • the sample sheet has the appropriate index sequences for each lane (for example, truncating index sequences, or inserting the appropriate 10xGenomics indexes); and

  • where different protocols or processing options need to be specified for groups of lanes, that these are specified via multiple --lanes options.

make_fastqs will process each set of lanes separately before combining them into a single output directory at the end.

For example: say we have a HiSeq run with non-standard samples in lanes 5 and 6, and standard samples in all other lanes.

If the samples in lanes 5 and 6 have different barcode lengths to those in the other lanes, but should otherwise be treated the same, then the following command line would be sufficient to handle this: make_fastqs \

However if the samples in lanes 5 and 6 were 10xGenomics Chromium single cell data, then it is necessary to explicitly specify which lanes to group together and how each group should be handled. This is done using the --lanes option to indicate that the 10x_chromium_sc protocol should be used with lanes 5 and 6, and that the standard protocol should be used with the other lanes: make_fastqs \
         --lanes=1-4,7-8:standard \
         --lanes=5,6:10x_chromium_sc \


If the --lanes option is used one or more times then only those lanes explicitly listed will be processed. Lanes that aren’t specified will be excluded from the processing.

More generally it’s possible to set multiple options on a set of lanes using the lanes option, for example to explicitly specify the adapter sequences for lane 8: make_fastqs \
         --lanes=1-7 \
         --lanes=8:adapter=CTGTCTCTTATACACATCT \

The general form of the --lanes option is:


The available options are:




Set bases mask


Truncate R1 reads to LENGTH (standard and mirna protocols only)


Truncate R2 reads to LENGTH (standard and mirna protocols only)


Turn adapter trimming on or off


Set adapter sequence for trimming


Set read2 adapter sequence


Set minimum trimmed read length


Set minimum read length below which sequences are masked


Set --filter-single-index option for cellranger or cellranger-arc


Set --filter-dual-index option for cellranger or cellranger-arc


Set --rc-i2-override option for spaceranger (can be either true or false)


Well list file (icell8 and icell8_atac protocols only)


Turn I1/I2 swapping on or off (icell8_atac protocol only)


Set reverse complementing option (icell8_atac protocol only)


Turn barcode analysis on or off

These options will override the defaults and any global values set by the top-level options.

It is also possible to process subsets of lanes manually, and then use the merge_fastq_dirs, update_fastq_stats and analyse_barcodes commands to combine and analyse the Fastqs.

For example, for the mixture of standard and 10xGenomics samples previously described this might look like:

# Process lanes 1-4,7-8 (standard samples) make_fastqs \
         --lanes=1-4,7-8 \
         --sample-sheet=SampleSheet.updated.csv \
         --output-dir=bcl2fastq.L123478 \
         --use-bases-mask=auto \
         --no-barcode-analysis \

# Process lanes 5-6 (10xGenomics samples) make_fastqs \
         --lanes=5-6 \
         --sample-sheet=SampleSheet.updated.csv \
         --protocol=10x_chromium_sc \
         --output-dir=bcl2fastq.L56 \
         --use-bases-mask=auto \

# Combine outputs merge_fastq_dirs \
          --primary-unaligned-dir=bcl2fastq.L123478 \

# Generate statistics update_fastq_stats

# Analyse barcodes (standard samples only) analyse_barcodes --lanes=1-4,7-8

See the appropriate sections of the command reference for the full set of available options:

Processing a single run multiple times

Sometimes it is necessary to process a single run multiple times, (for example, to try different parameter sets) while keeping the outputs from each processing attempt in the same analysis directory.

The --id option of the make_fastqs command can be used to facilitate this, by allowing an identifier (e.g. no_trimming) to be supplied which will then be appended to the outputs from the Fastq generation (including the output directories holding the generated Fastqs, the barcode analysis directories, and the statistics and processing report files).

For example: make_fastqs --id=no_trimming --no-adapter-trimming

would produce bcl2fastq_no_trimming, barcodes_no_trimming, and so on.


The --id option of the setup_analysis_dirs command can be used to create projects which carry the same identifier, see Adding an identifier to project directory names.


A simpler alternative is to set up a completely new parallel analysis directory for reprocessing, and expliciting assigning a unique analysis number to distinguish it from other analysis attempts.

This can be done via the setup command using the -n option (see Specifying the analysis number), or by setting the analysis_number metadata item within an existing analysis directory.

Specifying Illumina BCL conversion software

For the standard and mirna Fastq generation protocols, it is possible to use either the bcl2fastq or bcl-convert software packages to convert raw BCL data into Fastq files.

The --bcl-converter command line option can be used to specify both the BCL converter software and optionally also restrict to a range (or single version), for example: make_fastqs --bcl-converter 'bcl-convert>=3.7'

Default BCL conversion software can be specified in the config file, both generally and on a per-platform basis (see Specifying BCL to Fastq conversion software and options).


On completion the make_fastqs command will produce:

For standard runs there will additional outputs:

  • A directory called barcode_analysis which will contain reports with analysis of the barcode index sequences (see the section on Barcode analysis)

If the run included 10xGenomics Chromium 3’ data then there will be some additional outputs:

  • A report in the top-level analysis directory called cellranger_qc_summary[_LANES].html, which is an HTML copy of the QC summary JSON file produced by cellranger mkfastq (nb LANES will be the subset of lanes from the run which contained the Chromium data, if the run consisted of a mixture of Chromium and non-Chromium samples, for example: --lanes=5,6 results in 56).


The processing QC reports can be copied to the QC server using the publish_qc command.

Output Fastq files

Each sample defined in the input sample sheet will produce one or more output Fastq files, depending on:

  • if the run was single- or paired-end,

  • whether the sample appeared in more than one lane, and

  • whether the --no-lane-splitting option was specified

By default if samples appear in more than one lane in a sequencing run then make_fastqs will generate multiple Fastqs with each Fastq only containing reads from a single lane, and with the lane number appearing in the Fastq file name.

However if the --no-lane-splitting option is specified then the reads from all lanes that the sample appeared in will be combined into the same Fastq file.

The default lane splitting behaviour can be controlled via the configuration options in the auto_process.ini file (see configuration).


Lane splitting is always performed for 10xGenomics single cell data, regardless of the settings or options supplied to make_fastqs.